Saturday, 16 July 2011

Business Nonverbal Communication There are also other very important elements of business nonverbal communication you should cater for, especially when your status it's higher than the other. I don't know exactly which element it's the most important of all those said by me, all that I know it's that you're career will be a successful one if you'll try to include in your behavior all those said about me in these articles. Maybe, on the moment, you won't see how important they are or how much they've helped you but you'll soon realize that having a sincere smile, a firm handshake, an impeccable array and a straight body's posture doesn't cost you nothing but, in exchange, brings you lots of advantages. -Take care about your image: You must have an immaculate array. You must opt for a very comfortable array. This one must be adapted to circumstances. Watch those who achieve this thing and take them as an example. -Sometimes, the silence it’s an ace! Knowing when to shut up is a human quality, loved since ancient times. Even, through silence, some people communicate something: approval, disapproval, discretion, reason, keeping a mystery, awe. A manager turns to silence as a means of nonverbal communication because: - disapprove certain views and does not want to argue - believes there are certain facts, circumstances over which is better to fall silent - Not willing to disclose a secret service, a secret - do not want to harm someone - Estimates that time solves a delicate problem while speaking he can make enemies. On the other hand, using carefully silence in key moments - in other words preparing to listen somebody- we can encourage the speaker to continue or to express feelings and attitudes that undoubtedly would not otherwise have done. Silence is thus a powerful tool communications, but it should be used with skill. -The colors language: colors influence the business nonverbal communication. They highlight human attitude towards life and towards others. The colored clothes used by manager tell us a few things about him. Colors and their significance: -red: sentimental man; -pink: he likes to love, to be loved, to take care for others; -orange: he is organized and determined to achieve his plan; -yellow: he wants to discuss; -green: he likes changes; -blue: he is inventive; -black: he knows very well what his tasks are. The color significance is different in other cultures. For example: while black is the color of sadness in Europe, in China and Japan whiteness means sadness. Warm colors (red, orange, yellow) promotes communication and the cold promotes (gray, green, blue) inhibit. Communication heavy takes the place when the colors are monotone or too powerful or various. Finally, each man adapts these non-verbal language elements to his own lifestyle. Published by communicationtype, on May 13 2010, in the categories: business communication Business Nonverbal Communication Successful people behave as if they know what to do. Becoming aware of certain aspects of nonverbal communication (which is an extremely broad field of study and also very investigated) it can help you in sending messages more easily and prevent the misunderstanding. A handshake can convey a message of acceptance if it is firm and comfortable. When you listen, you need to slowly lean forward, keep quiet and focus on what the person said in front of you. In the above lines, I’ve tried to offer you some examples of nonverbal behaviors that can give feedback and communicate some messages; ideally to be "prescribed" a non-verbal behavior for each job. Until then, use business nonverbal communication every day and every hour! To finish my article about business nonverbal communication, I’d like to offer you the most important conclusions about nonverbal elements in business area. -The eye contact: get used to watch the image listener since the moment you are in front of it. Eye contact means your attention to the discussion. It also allows you to see and respond to listener feedback. For example, smile as a response to their smiles. Note, however, eye contact too pronounced or too long can be uncomfortable or interpreted as an act of seduction. The ideal period of eye contact it’s estimated between two or three seconds. If for you it is hard to establish visual contact, start by fixing the pupils or the nose’s root of your interlocutor for a moment and then. Then walk your look around his eyes, nose, and forehead and return your eye contact on his pupils and smile. -The smile: Automatically smile when you meet someone. This should be a reflex! Would you like to talk to someone who seems to come from a funeral? In short, whether you're depressed or tired you must smile! This does not mean that you should display a bored smile during the whole meeting. Every time you meet someone and you want to send a signal like “I'm excited to see you and I’m open for communication," you must smile. It is a very easy rule to apply which will quickly improve the contact with the others. -The posture of your body: At a meeting, do not sink into your seat, you must sit up straight and right in any circumstance. The next tip is to have an open attitude, not stand with arms crossed! During the conversation, lean slightly toward your interlocutor watching him. However, if you are single with this person in a room, don’t get too close, it might be an inconvenience. On the street, sit up straight and right and watch carefully before, moving up strongly. Do you had seen people going to look like the earth just dragged her feet? What impression they left you? Published by communicationtype, on May 13 2010, in the categories: business communication Business Nonverbal Communication Starting from the criteria of face-to-face communication, which is 93% governed by nonverbal elements, offers the perfect opportunity for quick feedback to those involved. More, it offers a variety of coded messages that are communicated at various levels in ways as varied. Providing power to overcome selectivity, the candidates can not change the channel of communication. But let's see how it works however in real business situations. As I said before, one of the advantages of face to face communication is to provide feedback. By reading the feedback, the businessman can continuously adapt their behavior to meet the needs of "special" person in front of him. As an example of the importance of receiving this feedback, those who work in insurance must be open to this process when making a presentation. Instead of being too involved in its presentation to the prospectus delivery process, they should find out what he thinks. And for this they must stop their approach, to look and listen. No wonder we have two ears and only one mouth! When you listen to the prospectus, you should look at his body language. Signals that betray the lies! Another important aspect in business nonverbal communication area it’s finding the index that reveals the lie. Are professions such as medical doctors, nurses that are comforting to be identified regardless of diagnosis. Same happens in diplomacy, in law, politics or business. Many of these people learn to control and greatly reduce their behavior that would indicate discomfort of all kinds. The vast majority of people do not perceive, at least consciously, such signals, maybe only ones who have a good intuition or a proper trial. Here are some indicators of deceit, they were discovered by analyzing body movement following: a decrease the frequency of hand gestures, but an increase in hand-face contact (nose to achieve, cover mouth, playing with the hair or reaching the eyebrows, pull the ear lobe), increased movement of change of posture (a person who is not state), use the obstinacy of a single hand movement, which seems to remove the responsibility of the person. Of course, there are other variations of facial expressions almost invisible, which, when they are identified may be some of the best indications of deceit. Now, I’d like to share with you another powerful precept of mine regarding the business nonverbal communication especially in sales area. The business nonverbal communication in sales area can notice if the prospectus is impatient, skeptical or enthusiastic and interested during the presentation. From where it appears the beauty of nonverbal communication in sales? The prospectus provides you with all these non-verbal information without being aware of them. If he makes frequent eye contact, lean back to listen and leaning forward to speak, will probably respond positively to your sales presentation. But when he is impatient, playing with objects, he seems anxious; for sure he is not interesting to submit. The sale is retained for training of persons responsible for observing any kind of negative behavior that may lead to loss of sales. For example, those people who work in insurance, one of their challenges is to treat all persons differentially encountered. Therefore, depending on the type behavior that you find they have to be trained in identifying nonverbal elements for these types and more importantly it’s how to approach them to be successful. Published by communicationtype, on May 12 2010, in the categories: business communication Business Nonverbal Communication But besides it, the social charm it is of the main components of eligibility. In other words, to succeed, leaders must demonstrate a common body language; gestures open the direct, natural smile, but competent supernatural. A true leader has to exhibit a body language to show him both as a common type, down to earth, as well as a charismatic leader. A famous coach and consultant Barry Zweibel invented the acronym AURA in an attempt to define leadership charisma. Here's what lies behind the four letters of the acronym: A (Assured-Insured), U (Unique), R (Relevant / Resonant,), and A (Alive). What is (Assured-insured)? People that have charisma are confident in their powers and are not necessarily arrogant. They are already assured of success and so their signals are transmitted through body! Most times, they have a vision that is usually "more than the underlying scene.” And those who have higher social status, with more power and have higher prestige "the privilege of skin contact”, is meaning they start touching them, for example, with hands on shoulders and arms or on the rear of speakers. How unique is the manifest U? Web 2.0 generation leaders have introduced something new! They are young and look different. More, they have a magnetism that awakens your imagination, which forces you to pay attention and more importantly, their mystery. But the relevant R? To demonstrate the relevance let's take one of the most effervescent American leaders at the moment, Barack Obama. Somehow, Obama shows to Americans that’s exactly like them, even if it is not so. Thus, emphasize that it is different from them, but at the same time so close to them, with an approach from both sides. But the vivacity? Can be expressed by the spirit, the manifestation of an inner joy, through enthusiasm overflowing with energy and clarity in the actions performed. Here's what we remember about non-verbal language of leadership: leadership by appropriate nonverbal elements connect with the audience, inspire and motivate their teams, resolve conflicts that may arise, deliver presentations in front of an audience, maintain long term relationships with people and communicate with those around! Other very important element of business nonverbal communication it’s represented by feedback: “Knowledge and human power are synonymous”(Francis Bacon). In the following lines, I’d like to talk about the importance of the feedback. Do you wonder how we can find the impact of business nonverbal communication processes upon our career success? If we’d be state political leaders or presidents, knowledge and the use of nonverbal communication really makes the difference to the competing candidate. But when it comes to business, here are some criteria that we can report: timeliness of feedback, messages, codes, power multiplier, power to keep the message and power overcome selectivity. Published by communicationtype, on May 12 2010, in the categories: business communication Business Nonverbal Communication Now, I’d, like to tell you another interesting problem about nonverbal business communication and I’d like to devolve a very complicated problem: the manager’s silence as part of his nonverbal communication. « "It is a proven principle that you must learn to listen to know how to lead. Therefore, leading skill is not an act but a habit. “(Aristotle) Leaders know how to use their nonverbal skills! What does this mean? Using nonverbal signals is one of the most important communication skills that a leader can have. Of course, you heard it said many times: "your actions speak louder than words." The good news is that you must believe this! A leader can have a very well thought out speech, can have impeccable clothes and can have many talents in his field of expertise, but can lose its lack of nonverbal communication skills. Mastering business nonverbal communication skills involves knowing how to use your facial expressions to convey positive signals (bright eyes, big smile, so on), how to express yourself through paralanguage (voice intonation, rhythm, volume, so on), as to show your self-confidence through posture (lean forward, legs are not crossed and are pointed in the direction of the audience, so on) or how to prove your "opening" for others (by uncrossed arms, avoiding knock with your fingers by forming a triangle with their hands and declare the willingness to listen to others, etc). So body language is one of the most important features that can rise us to glory, or can knock out the mess! And leaders know that one of the most important attributes of their success is the positive attitude. Body language or nonverbal signals are the main factors for triggering and keeping a positive attitude, especially when they talk to those around him. As we have seen, facial expressions (gestures, smiles and laughter), gaze, posture, gestures, touches, paralanguage, but other elements of nonverbal communication can provide us with extremely valuable information about the personality of leaders, and about the power relations between them. How appears the so-called "charisma" of leaders? What influence us to follow them? It was noticed that people like a good leader and that we want our leaders to be competent, charismatic, and friendly and seem with us as much as possible. Bush, Clinton and Ronald Reagan have grasped it very well and took a heat in the voice that made the auditors believe that each of them is their personal address. What mattered were the words said but how they said it, and here is a fundamental paralanguage / political candidates who have studied research shows that physical appearance is a very important quality for leaders. Certainly the image of JF Kennedy handsome, tanned and untroubled, besides that of Nixon, dark, sweaty and not very handsome, in 1960, when the first was televised presidential debates helped to change public opinion in favor of less well-known Kennedy. In conclusion, physical charm it's an advantage both for women and men. Published by communicationtype, on May 11 2010, in the categories: business communication Business Nonverbal Communication Most people find it easier to smile with the left side of their face! Look at your smile and those around you and notice which part of his body forms the smile. Smiling is one of the most frequently used facial expressions to trigger a positive communication relationship between two parties. But how do we know if it’s a real of a fake smile? It was found that genuine smiles involve two sets of muscles: the zygomatic major muscle consists of on the side of the face around the mouth and tied ocularis shock, the muscles around the eyes. The conclusion is: the emotion of frank joy is expressed in both muscles to the action. If you first listen to the will and muscles are under our conscious control, the second sets in motion only leave the emotions really nice of the soul. There are other indications of fake smile like its duration. It was noticed that fake smiles lasts more than those outspoken occurred in a spontaneously way. And the fake smiles are displayed much faster than spontaneous and are removed from the front as fast. Symmetry it can give us another clue: a smile symmetrically (both sides of the face) may be a fake or real one, but an asymmetric smile is one clearly serious impure. But the rule is simple: when a person "is not laughing with his eyes”, we are dealing with a counterfeit smile! Gestures (all facial expressions as parts of business nonverbal communication) can be noisy or quiet. Restless mimic it’s manifested through rapid movements because are initiated due to a succession of moods, this kind of mimic it’s lively and often it’s characteristic to impulsive people who have a dedicated behavior: they are effectively engaged, optimistic, cheerful and robust. Instead, quiet spiritual mimic indicates the stability of emotional processes. These people do not respond to many stimulus because they classify this stimulus by criteria such as: important, unimportant, real and fake, and in general these people are reliable, balanced, who thought often before act. As you've seen in the last articles, body language exists in many forms. And people have their own abilities to decode the elements of business nonverbal communication and they will recognize their own meanings depending on those around them. Therefore, whenever you will use your body language, another person can interpret in a way different from one another. When you don’t know anybody from that business area, try to decode the body language to extract first impressions about the person. Learn to use that position of the body, that interpersonal space or those facial expressions that will project in the eyes of others as confident, strong, and reliable, depending on the specific situation that you are! Published by communicationtype, on May 11 2010, in the categories: business communication Business Nonverbal Communication These distances are not fixed and may vary due to cultural norms or other causes. Cultural differences play an important role regarding the personal distance. Japanese people, for example, feel comfortable keeping a short distance from the person speaking to them, while cloud-Europeans and North Americans need some more space. Latin Americans and southern Europeans are also quite close to people who maintain a conversation. Interlocutors' status is one of the variables that may increase or decrease in personal distances. It was noted that people who have social power tend to set their own level of distance that allows them to interact with others. Those who have equal status usually keep a smaller distance between them than people who own mixed status. And when status is unequal, people who have a higher status can more closely approach to those of lower status than would otherwise happen in the reverse situation. As the physical space where we are is larger, the more we tend to decrease the interpersonal distance. In addition, the topic around which interaction takes place may generate variations in the space of interaction: we can talk about personal problems or we can share secrets, keep a distance lower than when we talk about general issues or when we have formal discussions. So pay attention to space around you, because it can communicate something about you and your personality along with other nonverbal elements! Other very important elements of business nonverbal communication is represented by our gestures. Did you know that people can produce about 700,000 different physical signals? But the human face is capable of producing 250,000 of expression? But the facial muscles produce about 20,000 facial expressions? As we discuss in the preceding article, facial expressions are some of the components of body language and now it’s time to find out more about them because the gestures are very important in business nonverbal communication. There are many specialists who have dedicated a good part of their life in studying human physiognomy, convinced that facial features speaks volumes about the character of each person. Aristotle said that "man has the richest mimic from area of all beings" and nothing can not be truer since the human face is composed of 80 large and small muscles in various combination types fail to express an unlimited number of expressions. Ruck Horst describes very thoroughly the mimics in his book "Body language for managers" (Published by Engineering, 1999, an manuscript which should not miss from any library of managers) and teaches that each half of the face, that body is controlled by the opposite cerebral hemisphere. Thus, the left hemisphere controls the right half of the body and face, specializing in logic, while right hemisphere turns left face and body and is responsible for establishing contacts with the environment around us. Published by communicationtype, on May 10 2010, in the categories: business communication Business Nonverbal Communication In my previous article I’ve presented certain things about our posture, but I will continue with information about social distance, about facial expressions, about gestures, eye contact and on many other elements very important for business nonverbal communication. Now, I’d like to tell you other important element of business nonverbal communication. I’d like to talk about the spatial distance. Spatial distance in nonverbal communication: young managers want to know how to communicate their status, their power and control. Sales men want to communicate the sincerity and the belief in commodities they might sale. Those who go to interviews want to express their competence, their efficiency and their experience. The idea is that all of us want to learn to “read people as open books”, to see what it’s beyond verbal messages and why not, we want to control our nonverbal behavior for communicating more effectively. In the above lines, you saw what the importance of body posture is but also the spatial distance speaks volumes about our business nonverbal communication. Speakers that sit very close to their listeners, with his hands on listener’s shoulders and the eyes focused directly on those who listen, communicate differently than a speaker that sits in a corner with crossed arms and his eyes on the floor. Similarly, an office of a manager person, placed upstairs, with huge windows, a private bar, with leather sofas, communicate in a way his social status than a few square feet of space packed the rest his team. Spatial communication is called also proxemics, by Edward T. Hall, who was the first person that has studied the need for space among the man (60 years) and identified four regional distances: 1) The intimate (and delineates the most important area between 15 and 46 cm away from your body, where enter only that close emotionally to us: boyfriend or a husband / wife, parents, children, brothers, sisters), 2) personal area (between 46 and 122 cm, which is distance to where we are towards people that we get in it at parties, meetings, ceremonies, business meetings), 3) Social area (between 122 and 360 cm, which is the distance that we keep from those who do not know too well yet), 4) Public area (360 cm). Social distance is that distance where are devolving the most common personal interactions, transactions, business, formal, natural. Most times, layout office furniture takes into account whether this distance and the way that we have common area furniture in a range of cultural and psychological characteristics of those who use them. Here's an example: a company president complained that people in his team are not open to him and they don’t come in his office to communicate information within the company. How do you think he have arranged his office? All windows were inside the company, he had blinds that were always drawn, had a stately desk and a chair as portly as his office. One of the suggestions I’ve made for open channel of communication with those around him was to eliminate blinds and then to include a round table inside the office, to invite there to talk anyone who want to communicate with him. Leaving office and imposing round table taking place (most appropriate for maintaining an equal footing), he almost involuntarily made the first step towards opening the communication channel. Published by communicationtype, on May 10 2010, in the categories: business communication Business Nonverbal Communication Therefore, very often, I like to attract your attention upon the importance of the deciphering body language, especially in the business area. Any extra information, however small it might be, even a firm handshake or a "dead fish” one, no visual contact, rubbing the pen, your ring or your watch (mostly involuntary actions), accurately describes what’s the "struggle” or the emotions inside the person in front of us! The body posture betrays! Learning the mystery of "reading" the body language of those who you interact daily in the business area is not complicated. In fact, it’s handy to anyone because, depending on context and other nonverbal signals that we need to consider a fair decoding, we see human behavior and remarked how it behaves in different situations. Take the example of some concrete positions. Each of us has a certain position on we develop our habits behind over the years. Some of us have shoulders and head pointing straight ahead, others go down and shoulders as if carrying a huge burden on the back. I'm just used to illustrate two specific cases, but it does not exclude the existence of others. What do these body postures actually want to express? The position of those in front of us can show how to approach these people: if someone stands with shoulders down, arms folded and bent to one side, he seems unprepared for the tasks to be given or he is not interested in what you want to suggest. But if the same person stands with his shoulders straight, head up, arms at it’s sides and fists raised, this will mean that he is ready for any task we might give him, without regard to its difficulty or effort required to achieve it. The psycho sociological researchers observed that people who wanted to discuss and work together in business sits side by side. When they talk, people prefer to stand by both sides of the corner of the table, bin order to cooperate, rather than in the position "shoulder to shoulder." But in competitive situations, people tend to occupy opposite positions. What is interesting is that positions become identical during communication (so called matching) or partially identical (only certain body parts to be oriented similarly). This phenomenon, called "mirroring", is essential for easing the business nonverbal communication and to obtain consent of the person in front of you, because almost identical copy of the other stations assures a degree of comfort that predispose them to make concessions and accept proposals under discussion. Here, I’d like to give you a very important conclusion about the role of body posture in business nonverbal communication. Remember this phenomenon and try to practice it in your life or in your business area, or in everyday life, to know its effects upon others. With this description of items , I began to point out step by step what is important to know about nonverbal communication in the business environment. Published by communicationtype, on May 08 2010, in the categories: business communication Business Nonverbal Communication Did you know that nearly 90% of our communication includes nonverbal elements? If so, I am sure you wonder why was invented the spoken language as long as all non-verbally communicates the most, whether it's about business life or is about everyday life! How nonverbal communication helps us? When you know someone, the first contact is essential, and this first contact does not occur through long speeches. It occurs through nonverbal elements (so-called "body language"). So, in this article about business nonverbal communication, I'll try to show you what are the basic principles of body language that will allow you to make to your interlocutor a good impression, showing up as an open person, smiling and attentive. Talking about business nonverbal communication, let me tell you that body language helps us in making a good first impression during a job interview, to support a successful presentation through absorbing the audience’s attention by using nonverbal messages or help us conclude a profitable transaction because we managed to persuade those in front of us that they deserve to be our business partners. How? Maybe because you’ve just emanated through nonverbal the self confidence that your potential business partners were looking in you. But the motives and physical signals that we can deliver can be multiple. You know for sure that body language is the reason for whicha face to face selling is more advantageous than the one on the phone when we use only 40% of our full potential for communication, namely, words and nonverbal elements of paralanguage (intonation, speech rhythm, tone, so on.) What happens? Whenever we communicate with others we react to what it’s said, heard or seen. But in fact, besides these, there is something very important, which we gave it no attention: our body language can communicate as 1000 words in one place! I’d like to start my article about business nonverbal communication in writing in the following lines the role of body language. What is the role of body language in business? It’s knowledge required? Do we need to pay attention? The answer to these questions is a big 'yes', because in a business meeting or a negotiation, the signing of a contract or a media appearance, your nonverbal behavior communicates to others what kind of man you are, how educated you are, what are your emotions, which are your interests, how much you appreciate yourself and the list could go on forever. To have a successful business and to create successful relationships, body language is essential, because many times we do not express in words exactly what we feel. But our body forward so clearly what we feel and reveal the secrets of our thoughts or feelings that can be read, decoded by those around us and can be used against us. Published by communicationtype, on May 08 2010, in the categories: business communication Page 1 of 2212345»1020...Last » RECENT COMMENTS Ornov Chowdhury Bappi: Oh pal its so informative types of communication site, its s harry: die of aids u fat cunt :0 Raguel Lofft: Right now it seems like Movable Type is the preferred bloggi Ben: Thanks 4 u'r article but a'r u aware with with those communi Eunice: I read your article on human relation in an organization. Go jjjjjjjjjjjc: same old tin alex: soooooooooooooooooooooooooo borin frank: LMAO at these comments! you have brightened up my revision Great Thanks!: Thanks for this amazing artical! 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Business Nonverbal Communication

There are also other very important elements of business nonverbal communication you should cater for, especially when your status it's higher than the other. I don't know exactly which element it's the most important of all those said by me, all that I know it's that you're career will be a successful one if you'll try to include in your behavior all those said about me in these articles. Maybe, on the moment, you won't see how important they are or how much they've helped you but you'll soon realize that having a sincere smile, a firm handshake, an impeccable array and a straight body's posture doesn't cost you nothing but, in exchange, brings you lots of advantages.

-Take care about your image: You must have an immaculate array. You must opt for a very comfortable array. This one must be adapted to circumstances. Watch those who achieve this thing and take them as an example.

-Sometimes, the silence it’s an ace! Knowing when to shut up is a human quality, loved since ancient times. Even, through silence, some people communicate something: approval, disapproval, discretion, reason, keeping a mystery, awe. A manager turns to silence as a means of nonverbal communication because:

- disapprove certain views and does not want to argue

- believes there are certain facts, circumstances over which is better to fall silent

- Not willing to disclose a secret service, a secret

- do not want to harm someone

- Estimates that time solves a delicate problem while speaking he can make enemies. On the other hand, using carefully silence in key moments - in other words preparing to listen somebody- we can encourage the speaker to continue or to express feelings and attitudes that undoubtedly would not otherwise have done. Silence is thus a powerful tool communications, but it should be used with skill.
-The colors language: colors influence the business nonverbal communication. They highlight human attitude towards life and towards others. The colored clothes used by manager tell us a few things about him.

Colors and their significance:

-red: sentimental man;

-pink: he likes to love, to be loved, to take care for others;

-orange: he is organized and determined to achieve his plan;

-yellow: he wants to discuss;

-green: he likes changes;

-blue: he is inventive;

-black: he knows very well what his tasks are.

The color significance is different in other cultures. For example: while black is the color of sadness in Europe, in China and Japan whiteness means sadness. Warm colors (red, orange, yellow) promotes communication and the cold promotes (gray, green, blue) inhibit. Communication heavy takes the place when the colors are monotone or too powerful or various.

Finally, each man adapts these non-verbal language elements to his own lifestyle.

Published by communicationtype, on May 13 2010, in the categories: business communication

Business Nonverbal Communication

Successful people behave as if they know what to do. Becoming aware of certain aspects of nonverbal communication (which is an extremely broad field of study and also very investigated) it can help you in sending messages more easily and prevent the misunderstanding. A handshake can convey a message of acceptance if it is firm and comfortable. When you listen, you need to slowly lean forward, keep quiet and focus on what the person said in front of you. In the above lines, I’ve tried to offer you some examples of nonverbal behaviors that can give feedback and communicate some messages; ideally to be "prescribed" a non-verbal behavior for each job. Until then, use business nonverbal communication every day and every hour!

  • To finish my article about business nonverbal communication, I’d like to offer you the most important conclusions about nonverbal elements in business area.
    -The eye contact: get used to watch the image listener since the moment you are in front of it. Eye contact means your attention to the discussion. It also allows you to see and respond to listener feedback. For example, smile as a response to their smiles. Note, however, eye contact too pronounced or too long can be uncomfortable or interpreted as an act of seduction. The ideal period of eye contact it’s estimated between two or three seconds. If for you it is hard to establish visual contact, start by fixing the pupils or the nose’s root of your interlocutor for a moment and then. Then walk your look around his eyes, nose, and forehead and return your eye contact on his pupils and smile.

    -The smile: Automatically smile when you meet someone. This should be a reflex! Would you like to talk to someone who seems to come from a funeral? In short, whether you're depressed or tired you must smile! This does not mean that you should display a bored smile during the whole meeting. Every time you meet someone and you want to send a signal like “I'm excited to see you and I’m open for communication," you must smile. It is a very easy rule to apply which will quickly improve the contact with the others.

    -The posture of your body: At a meeting, do not sink into your seat, you must sit up straight and right in any circumstance. The next tip is to have an open attitude, not stand with arms crossed! During the conversation, lean slightly toward your interlocutor watching him. However, if you are single with this person in a room, don’t get too close, it might be an inconvenience. On the street, sit up straight and right and watch carefully before, moving up strongly. Do you had seen people going to look like the earth just dragged her feet? What impression they left you?

  • Published by communicationtype, on May 13 2010, in the categories: business communication

    Business Nonverbal Communication

    Starting from the criteria of face-to-face communication, which is 93% governed by nonverbal elements, offers the perfect opportunity for quick feedback to those involved. More, it offers a variety of coded messages that are communicated at various levels in ways as varied. Providing power to overcome selectivity, the candidates can not change the channel of communication. But let's see how it works however in real business situations.

    As I said before, one of the advantages of face to face communication is to provide feedback. By reading the feedback, the businessman can continuously adapt their behavior to meet the needs of "special" person in front of him. As an example of the importance of receiving this feedback, those who work in insurance must be open to this process when making a presentation. Instead of being too involved in its presentation to the prospectus delivery process, they should find out what he thinks. And for this they must stop their approach, to look and listen. No wonder we have two ears and only one mouth! When you listen to the prospectus, you should look at his body language.

  • Signals that betray the lies!

  • Another important aspect in business nonverbal communication area it’s finding the index that reveals the lie. Are professions such as medical doctors, nurses that are comforting to be identified regardless of diagnosis. Same happens in diplomacy, in law, politics or business. Many of these people learn to control and greatly reduce their behavior that would indicate discomfort of all kinds. The vast majority of people do not perceive, at least consciously, such signals, maybe only ones who have a good intuition or a proper trial. Here are some indicators of deceit, they were discovered by analyzing body movement following: a decrease the frequency of hand gestures, but an increase in hand-face contact (nose to achieve, cover mouth, playing with the hair or reaching the eyebrows, pull the ear lobe), increased movement of change of posture (a person who is not state), use the obstinacy of a single hand movement, which seems to remove the responsibility of the person. Of course, there are other variations of facial expressions almost invisible, which, when they are identified may be some of the best indications of deceit.

  • Now, I’d      like to share with you another powerful precept of mine regarding the business nonverbal communication especially in sales area. The business nonverbal communication in sales area can notice if the prospectus is impatient, skeptical or enthusiastic and interested during the presentation. From where it appears the beauty of nonverbal communication in sales?

    The prospectus provides you with all these non-verbal information without being aware of them. If he makes frequent eye contact, lean back to listen and leaning forward to speak, will probably respond positively to your sales presentation. But when he is impatient, playing with objects, he seems anxious; for sure he is not interesting to submit. The sale is retained for training of persons responsible for observing any kind of negative behavior that may lead to loss of sales. For example, those people who work in insurance, one of their challenges is to treat all persons differentially encountered. Therefore, depending on the type behavior that you find they have to be trained in identifying nonverbal elements for these types and more importantly it’s how to approach them to be successful.

  • Published by communicationtype, on May 12 2010, in the categories: business communication

    Business Nonverbal Communication

    But besides it, the social charm it is of the main components of eligibility. In other words, to succeed, leaders must demonstrate a common body language; gestures open the direct, natural smile, but competent supernatural. A true leader has to exhibit a body language to show him both as a common type, down to earth, as well as a charismatic leader. A famous coach and consultant Barry Zweibel invented the acronym AURA in an attempt to define leadership charisma.

    Here's what lies behind the four letters of the acronym: A (Assured-Insured), U (Unique), R (Relevant / Resonant,), and A (Alive). What is (Assured-insured)? People that have charisma are confident in their powers and are not necessarily arrogant. They are already assured of success and so their signals are transmitted through body! Most times, they have a vision that is usually "more than the underlying scene.” And those who have higher social status, with more power and have higher prestige "the privilege of skin contact”, is meaning they start touching them, for example, with hands on shoulders and arms or on the rear of speakers. How unique is the manifest U? Web 2.0 generation leaders have introduced something new! They are young and look different. More, they have a magnetism that awakens your imagination, which forces you to pay attention and more importantly, their mystery.

    But the relevant R? To demonstrate the relevance let's take one of the most effervescent American leaders at the moment, Barack Obama. Somehow, Obama shows to Americans that’s exactly like them, even if it is not so. Thus, emphasize that it is different from them, but at the same time so close to them, with an approach from both sides. But the vivacity? Can be expressed by the spirit, the manifestation of an inner joy, through enthusiasm overflowing with energy and clarity in the actions performed.

    Here's what we remember about non-verbal language of leadership: leadership by appropriate nonverbal elements connect with the audience, inspire and motivate their teams, resolve conflicts that may arise, deliver presentations in front of an audience, maintain long term relationships with people and communicate with those around!

  • Other very important element of business nonverbal communication it’s represented by feedback: “Knowledge and human power are  synonymous”(Francis Bacon). In the following lines, I’d like to talk about the importance of the feedback.
    Do you wonder how we can find the impact of business nonverbal communication processes upon our career success? If we’d be state political leaders or presidents, knowledge and the use of nonverbal communication really makes the difference to the competing candidate.  But when it comes to business, here are some criteria that we can report: timeliness of feedback, messages, codes, power multiplier, power to keep the message and power overcome selectivity.

  • Published by communicationtype, on May 12 2010, in the categories: business communication

    Business Nonverbal Communication

    Now, I’d, like to tell you another interesting  problem about nonverbal business communication and I’d like to devolve a very complicated problem: the manager’s silence as part of his nonverbal communication.

    « "It is a proven principle that you must learn to listen to know how to lead. Therefore, leading skill is not an act but a habit. “(Aristotle)

    Leaders know how to use their nonverbal skills! What does this mean? Using nonverbal signals is one of the most important communication skills that a leader can have. Of course, you heard it said many times: "your actions speak louder than words." The good news is that you must believe this! A leader can have a very well thought out speech, can have impeccable clothes and can have many talents in his field of expertise, but can lose its lack of nonverbal communication skills.

    Mastering business nonverbal communication skills involves knowing how to use your facial expressions to convey positive signals (bright eyes, big smile, so on), how to express yourself through paralanguage (voice intonation, rhythm, volume, so on), as to show your self-confidence through posture (lean forward, legs are not crossed and are pointed in the direction of the audience, so on) or how to prove your "opening" for others (by uncrossed arms, avoiding knock with your fingers by forming a triangle with their  hands and declare the willingness to listen to others, etc).

    So body language is one of the most important features that can rise us to glory, or can knock out the mess! And leaders know that one of the most important attributes of their success is the positive attitude. Body language or nonverbal signals are the main factors for triggering and keeping a positive attitude, especially when they talk to those around him. As we have seen, facial expressions (gestures, smiles and laughter), gaze, posture, gestures, touches, paralanguage, but other elements of nonverbal communication can provide us with extremely valuable information about the personality of leaders, and about the power relations between them. How appears the so-called "charisma" of leaders? What influence us to follow them? It was noticed that people like a good leader and that we want our leaders to be competent, charismatic, and friendly and seem with us as much as possible. 

    Bush, Clinton and Ronald Reagan have grasped it very well and took a heat in the voice that made the auditors believe that each of them is their personal address. What mattered were the words said but how they said it, and here is a fundamental paralanguage / political candidates who have studied research shows that physical appearance is a very important quality for leaders.

    Certainly the image of JF Kennedy handsome, tanned and untroubled, besides that of Nixon, dark, sweaty and not very handsome, in 1960, when the first was televised presidential debates helped to change public opinion in favor of less well-known Kennedy.  In conclusion, physical charm it's an advantage both for women and men.

    Published by communicationtype, on May 11 2010, in the categories: business communication

    Business Nonverbal Communication

    Most people find it easier to smile with the left side of their face! Look at your smile and those around you and notice which part of his body forms the smile. Smiling is one of the most frequently used facial expressions to trigger a positive communication relationship between two parties. But how do we know if it’s a real of a fake smile? It was found that genuine smiles involve two sets of muscles: the zygomatic major muscle consists of on the side of the face around the mouth and tied ocularis shock, the muscles around the eyes. The conclusion is: the emotion of frank joy is expressed in both muscles to the action. If you first listen to the will and muscles are under our conscious control, the second sets in motion only leave the emotions really nice of the soul.

    There are other indications of fake smile like its duration. It was noticed that fake smiles lasts more than those outspoken occurred in a spontaneously way. And the fake smiles are displayed much faster than spontaneous and are removed from the front as fast. Symmetry it can give us another clue: a smile symmetrically (both sides of the face) may be a fake or real one, but an asymmetric smile is one clearly serious impure. But the rule is simple: when a person "is not laughing with his eyes”, we are dealing with a counterfeit smile!

    Gestures (all facial expressions as parts of business nonverbal communication) can be noisy or quiet. Restless mimic it’s manifested through rapid movements because are initiated due to a succession of moods, this kind of mimic it’s lively and often it’s characteristic to impulsive people who have a dedicated behavior: they are effectively engaged, optimistic, cheerful and robust. Instead, quiet spiritual mimic indicates the stability of emotional processes.

    These people do not respond to many stimulus because they classify this stimulus by criteria such as: important, unimportant, real and fake, and in general these people are reliable, balanced, who thought often before act.

    As you've seen in the last articles, body language exists in many forms. And people have their own abilities to decode the elements of business nonverbal communication and they will recognize their own meanings depending on those around them. Therefore, whenever you will use your body language, another person can interpret in a way different from one another. When you don’t know anybody from that business area, try to decode the body language to extract first impressions about the person.

    Learn to use that position of the body, that interpersonal space or those facial expressions that will project in the eyes of others as confident, strong, and reliable, depending on the specific situation that you are!

    Published by communicationtype, on May 11 2010, in the categories: business communication

    Business Nonverbal Communication

    These distances are not fixed and may vary due to cultural norms or other causes. Cultural differences play an important role regarding the personal distance. Japanese people, for example, feel comfortable keeping a short distance from the person speaking to them, while cloud-Europeans and North Americans need some more space. Latin Americans and southern Europeans are also quite close to people who maintain a conversation.

    Interlocutors' status is one of the variables that may increase or decrease in personal distances. It was noted that people who have social power tend to set their own level of distance that allows them to interact with others. Those who have equal status usually keep a smaller distance between them than people who own mixed status. And when status is unequal, people who have a higher status can more closely approach to those of lower status than would otherwise happen in the reverse situation. As the physical space where we are is larger, the more we tend to decrease the interpersonal distance. In addition, the topic around which interaction takes place may generate variations in the space of interaction: we can talk about personal problems or we can share secrets, keep a distance lower than when we talk about general issues or when we have formal discussions. So pay attention to space around you, because it can communicate something about you and your personality along with other nonverbal elements!

  • Other very important elements of business nonverbal communication is represented by our gestures.
    Did you know that people can produce about 700,000 different physical signals? But the human face is capable of producing 250,000 of expression? But the facial muscles produce about 20,000 facial expressions? As we discuss in the preceding article, facial expressions are some of the components of body language and now it’s time to find out more about them because the gestures are very important in business nonverbal communication.

    There are many specialists who have dedicated a good part of their life in studying human physiognomy, convinced that facial features speaks volumes about the character of each person. Aristotle said that "man has the richest mimic from area of all beings" and nothing can not be truer since the human face is composed of 80 large and small muscles in various combination types fail to express an unlimited number of expressions. Ruck Horst describes very thoroughly the mimics in his book "Body language for managers" (Published by Engineering, 1999, an manuscript which should not miss from any library of managers) and teaches that each half of the face, that body is controlled by the opposite cerebral hemisphere. Thus, the left hemisphere controls the right half of the body and face, specializing in logic, while right hemisphere turns left face and body and is responsible for establishing contacts with the environment around us.

  • Published by communicationtype, on May 10 2010, in the categories: business communication

    Business Nonverbal Communication

    In my previous article I’ve  presented certain things about our posture, but I will continue with information about social distance, about facial expressions, about gestures, eye contact and on many other elements very important for business nonverbal communication.

  • Now, I’d like to tell you other important element of business nonverbal communication. I’d like to talk about the spatial distance.

  • Spatial distance in nonverbal communication: young managers want to know how to communicate their status, their power and control.

    Sales men want to communicate the sincerity and the belief in commodities they might sale.

    Those who go to interviews want to express their competence, their efficiency and their experience. The idea is that all of us want to learn to “read people as open books”, to see what it’s beyond verbal messages and why not, we want to control our nonverbal behavior for communicating more effectively.

    In the above lines, you saw what the importance of body posture is but also the spatial distance speaks volumes about our business nonverbal communication.  Speakers that sit very close to their listeners, with his hands on listener’s shoulders and the eyes focused directly on those who listen, communicate differently than a speaker that sits in a corner with crossed arms and his eyes on the floor.

    Similarly, an office of a manager person, placed upstairs, with huge windows, a private bar, with leather sofas, communicate in a way his social status than a few square feet of space packed the rest his team.

    Spatial communication is called also proxemics, by Edward T. Hall, who was the first person that has studied the need for space among the man (60 years) and identified four regional distances:

    1) The intimate (and delineates the most important area between 15 and 46 cm away from your body, where enter only that close emotionally to us: boyfriend or a husband / wife, parents, children, brothers, sisters),

    2) personal area (between 46 and 122 cm, which is distance to where we are towards people that we get in it at parties, meetings, ceremonies, business meetings),

    3) Social area (between 122 and 360 cm, which is the distance that we keep from those who do not know too well yet),

    4) Public area (360 cm).

    Social distance is that distance where are devolving the most common personal interactions, transactions, business, formal, natural. Most times, layout office furniture takes into account whether this distance and the way that we have common area furniture in a range of cultural and psychological characteristics of those who use them.

    Here's an example: a company president complained that people in his team are not open to him and they don’t come in his office to communicate information within the company. How do you think he have arranged his office? All windows were inside the company, he had blinds that were always drawn, had a stately desk and a chair as portly as his office. One of the suggestions I’ve made for open channel of communication with those around him was to eliminate blinds and then to include a round table inside the office, to invite there to talk anyone who want to communicate with him. Leaving office and imposing round table taking place (most appropriate for maintaining an equal footing), he almost involuntarily made the first step towards opening the communication channel.

    Published by communicationtype, on May 10 2010, in the categories: business communication

    Business Nonverbal Communication

    Therefore, very often, I like to attract your attention upon the importance of the deciphering body language, especially in the business area. Any extra information, however small it might be, even a firm handshake or a "dead fish” one, no visual contact, rubbing the pen, your ring or your watch (mostly involuntary actions), accurately describes what’s the "struggle” or the emotions inside the person in front of us!

    The body posture betrays! Learning the mystery of "reading" the body language of those who you interact daily in the business area is not complicated. In fact, it’s handy to anyone because, depending on context and other nonverbal signals that we need to consider a fair decoding, we see human behavior and remarked how it behaves in different situations. Take the example of some concrete positions. Each of us has a certain position on we develop our habits behind over the years. Some of us have shoulders and head pointing straight ahead, others go down and shoulders as if carrying a huge burden on the back. I'm just used to illustrate two specific cases, but it does not exclude the existence of others.

    What do these body postures actually want to express? The position of those in front of us can show how to approach these people: if someone stands with shoulders down, arms folded and bent to one side, he seems unprepared for the tasks to be given or he is not interested in what you want to suggest. But if the same person stands with his shoulders straight, head up, arms at it’s sides and fists raised, this will mean that he is ready for any task we might give him, without regard to its difficulty or effort required to achieve it.

    The psycho sociological researchers observed that people who wanted to discuss and work together in business sits side by side. When they talk, people prefer to stand by both sides of the corner of the table, bin order to cooperate, rather than in the position "shoulder to shoulder." But in competitive situations, people tend to occupy opposite positions. What is interesting is that positions become identical during communication (so called matching) or partially identical (only certain body parts to be oriented similarly). This phenomenon, called "mirroring", is essential for easing the business nonverbal communication and to obtain consent of the person in front of you, because almost identical copy of the other stations assures a degree of comfort that predispose them to make concessions and accept proposals under discussion.

    Here, I’d like to give you a very important conclusion about the role of body posture in business nonverbal communication.

    Remember this phenomenon and try to practice it in your life or in your business area, or in everyday life, to know its effects upon others. With this description of items , I began to point out step by step what is important to know about nonverbal communication in the business environment.

    Published by communicationtype, on May 08 2010, in the categories: business communication

    Business Nonverbal Communication

    Did you know that nearly 90% of our communication includes nonverbal elements? If so, I am sure you wonder why was invented the spoken language as long as all non-verbally communicates the most, whether it's about business life or is about everyday life! How nonverbal communication helps us? When you know someone, the first contact is essential, and this first contact does not occur through long speeches. It occurs through nonverbal elements (so-called "body language"). So, in this article about business nonverbal communication, I'll try to show you what are the basic principles of body language that will allow you to make to your interlocutor a good impression, showing up as an open person, smiling and attentive.

    Talking about business nonverbal communication, let me tell you that body language helps us in making a good first impression during a job interview, to support a successful presentation through absorbing the audience’s attention by using nonverbal messages or help us conclude a profitable transaction because we managed to persuade those in front of us that they deserve to be our business partners. How? Maybe because you’ve just emanated through nonverbal the self confidence that your potential business partners were looking in you. But the motives and physical signals that we can deliver can be multiple. You know for sure that body language is the reason for whicha face to face selling is more advantageous than the one on the phone when we use only 40% of our full potential for communication, namely, words and nonverbal elements of paralanguage (intonation, speech rhythm, tone, so on.) What happens? Whenever we communicate with others we react to what it’s said, heard or seen. But in fact, besides these, there is something very important, which we gave it no attention: our body language can communicate as 1000 words in one place!

    I’d like to start my article about business nonverbal communication in writing in the following lines the role of body language.

  • What is the role of body language in business? It’s knowledge required? Do we need to pay attention?

  • The answer to these questions is a big 'yes', because in a business meeting or a negotiation, the signing of a contract or a media appearance, your nonverbal behavior communicates to others what kind of man you are, how educated you are, what are your emotions, which are your interests, how much you appreciate yourself and the list could go on forever. To have a successful business and to create successful relationships, body language is essential, because many times we do not express in words exactly what we feel. But our body forward so clearly what we feel and reveal the secrets of our thoughts or feelings that can be read, decoded by those around us and can be used against us.

    Published by communicationtype, on May 08 2010, in the categories: business communication
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